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Quick Release Coupling

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The main feature of these couplings are there easy Engage & Disengage function which makes them very versatile in operations thus eliminating the need to Loosen & Tighten the Threads each & Every time the connections are to be changed or removed and there Zero Leakage & interchangeability with itself and with other known international brands. 

These couplings are manufactured from ΒΌ inch till usually 2 inch sizes but can also be developed for higher sizes also in various End connections like Male End Threads in ( BSP / NPT threads ) , Female End Threads ( BSP / NPT threads ), Hose End Connections with / without Barbed Ends to suit ID of Hose Pipes. These Couplings are used for Mass Transfer of any Medium with ease like Air , Water, Gases, Steam, Oils, Chemicals, Petrochemicals, etc. 

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* To embrace new technologies and methods. * To give unsurpassed products and services to the clients. * To constantly look for improvement and changes.

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